“Omics Data, Databases and Open Science in Medicine and the Life Sciences”

Dear colleagues, dear students, 
we would like to invite you to a talk on December 2 at 3 pm by Prof. Hauke Busch (Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology) on “Omics Data, Databases and Open Science in Medicine and the Life Sciences”.
High-Throughput “Omics” data from sequencing, proteomics and imaging have revolutionised life science research and medicine in recent years. Due to the cost, time and labor going into the generation of these data, efforts for their standardization and storage in curated databases for reuse started early around the year 2000. These repositories have since  grown in size and number with their use being endorsed and even required by most journals in life sciences and applications for research grants. In his talk, Hauke Busch will speak about current practices and efforts on Omics data generation and storage in the life science community and will provide an outlook on current challenges and future developments of Open Science, particularly in personalized medicine. 

The talk will be held in English and will take place in WebEx. Just email us if you are interested!

We look forward to seeing you!
Open Science Initiative Lübeck

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